About Us
The Pacific Northwest Police Detection Dog Association (PNWK9) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the professionalism and training of detection dog handlers throughout the Pacific Northwest region. The organization’s member states and provinces include Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, and British Columbia, Canada.
Founded in 1997 by a group of dedicated narcotics detection dog handlers, PNWK9 provides training and certification to narcotics and explosive detection K9 teams employed by law enforcement agencies. The association’s primary objective is to also provide training and support for detection canine teams assigned in various areas of detection, ensuring that all law enforcement teams have access to the expertise and resources offered by this organization.
In 1998, PNWK9 hosted its inaugural conference, which has since become an annual event featuring respected instructors from across North America. These instructors provide comprehensive training in various aspects of detection dog handler duties contributing to the organization’s mission of enhancing the capabilities of law enforcement teams.
PNWK9 strongly supports the efforts and training of Western States Information Network, Rocky Mountain Information Network, and individual state narcotics enforcement associations.

Sgt.Gunner Fulmer
Retired Police Sgt.

I started my career in Law Enforcement for the city of Walla Walla in 2008, after serving 13 years as a Paramedic/Firefighter for the same city. I was awarded my first canine partner in 2009, K9 Rev. I worked K9 Rev as a narcotics canine on patrol, serving 6 different cities, FBI, DEA and Washington State Penitentiary. In 2015, I retired K9 Rev and received K9 Pick. In 2015, I was assigned to a special teams unit, assisting departments in and around Walla Walla, FBI, DEA, Washington State Penitentiary and other task forces in our region.
In 2018 I was promoted to patrol sergeant but continued to work my dog until the beginning of 2020. K9 Pick was retired in February of 2020. In February of 2020, I was promoted to administrative sergeant within my department. I retired from the department in December of 2022. I now serve as an elected Walla Walla County Commissioner for District 3.
I have been part of PNWK9 since 2009, I helped establish the regional training group in South Eastern Washington and North Eastern Oregon. I have helped instruct handlers since 2015 and have been certifying canine teams since 2018. I have testified in several large federal narcotic cases as an expert witness to canine behavior, training, and certifying handlers. I was asked to serve as president of PNWK9 in 2022. I look forward to many more years of providing great training, instruction, and guidance to our canine teams in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska and British Columbia.
Sgt. Gord McGuinness

Gord McGuinness is currently a member of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police (MVTP) in British Columbia, Canada. Gord is the Sergeant in charge of the MVTP explosive detection dog canine unit where he manages and is responsible for the basic and in-service training of their 8 single purpose explosive detection dogs.
This assignment follows a 34 year career with the Vancouver Police Department. Prior to his retirement from the VPD, Gord spent 19 of 34 years as canine handler and worked five police service dogs during his time in the VPD Canine Unit.
For more than a decade Gord held the position of Head Trainer in the Canine Unit where he was responsible for implementing the first single purpose, narcotic and explosive detection dog teams in the history of the Vancouver Police Department. His responsibilities also included the acquisition and training of 51 general duty, and 4 detection dog teams as well as the basic training for other police canine units both in Canada and the United States. Throughout his time in the Canine Unit, Gord also worked his own general duty and explosive detection dogs.
In addition to his policing career, Gord operates a private consulting business in which he trains patrol, narcotic and explosive detection dogs for the private security industry. He has worked closely with Fred Helfers, over the past 24 years and is a co-founder of the Pacific Northwest Police Detection Dog Association.
Fred Helfers

President Emeritus
Founding President

Fred Helfers started training and handling detection canines in 1982 while working with the Everett Police department. Fred trained and worked two drug detection canines during his 28 years in law enforcement. Over the past 40 years Fred has expanded his knowledge of detection canines by training canines and handlers in the fields of drug detection, insect detection, natural gas detection, accelerant detection. and spoiled product detection.
Further, for over 20 years Fred operated a professional detection dog training kennel and training facility for police officers, training drug detection and accelerant detection canines and their handlers. Fred’s passion and recognized expertise in training detection canine teams has led him to conduct training seminars and classes throughout United States, Canada, Australia,Denmark, Italy, Sweden, and Brazil.
Fred is a past president of the Washington State Police Canine Association (1986 -1990) and the founding President – President Emeritus of the Pacific Northwest Police Detection Dog Association (PNWK9). Fred’s recognized expertise in the training of detection canines and handlers led to Fred being appointed as a founding member of the Scientific Working Group on Dog and Orthogonal Factors (SWGDOG 2005 -2012) and as a member of Organization of Scientific Area Committee (OSAC – Dogs and Sensors sub-committee). During his career, Fred Helfers has trained literally hundreds of professional canines and their handlers world wide. Along with being recognized as a master trainer in detection canines, Fred is a certified Nose Work Instructor for NACSW.
PNWK9 is a 100% donation funded organization. We rely on your donations to support our administrative and operational costs.
As an IRS 501(c)3 non-profit and Washington Secretary of State registered charity organization (URL: http://www.sos.wa.gov/charities/ or Call 360.725.0378), all donations to us are tax-deductible. We count on your support and generosity.
It’s people like you who continue our vital work.
Your tax-deductible contribution can be submitted via Square — Click here
Mailing Address:
Pacific Northwest Police Detection Dog Association
1543 Summit Place
Walla Walla, WA 99362 -
Tax ID / EIN: EIN: 91-19629259